Advantages of Ceramic-to-Metal Seals Company
The Ceramic Surfaces for Brazing, the surface must be metallized. Compare to Glass seal, Ceramic seal has exceptional resistance to thermal and mechanical shock as well as corrosion. While it requires more complex manufacturing processes and s…
Metallization of alumina and application Company
With the development of modern technology, more and more new materials used in various fields. Technical ceramics are one of them, and the most popular is alumina(Al2O3). However, since ceramic is an insulating material, it cannot be directly …
Thick film metalizing ceramic parts Company
Xiamen Innovacera Advanced Materials Co., Ltd can provide thick film metalizing ceramics. The ceramic parts do metalized coating or plating. Thick film coatings include Molybdenum-Manganese (Mo-Mn) providing excellent adhesion to ceramic parts…